Showing posts with label great quotes of jagadeesh. Show all posts
Showing posts with label great quotes of jagadeesh. Show all posts

Tuesday, 18 September 2012


Its always better to have
some secrets in life
especially for
some special ones...
because those
secrets make the
special ones 
very special....

Zero Error

 For every performer
There are some days
which really fails to help,
even their surroundings, 
their confidence,
everything fails to help...
the Art or craft
that they have learnt
never allows them to fail...
for the eyes of normal audience
they will succeed 
at a different level...
for the professionals
its a different story...

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Life - Trial and error theory

never say the word
I hate my life...
May be you could have lost
at a certain instant...

but it doesn't mean

you are failure....
from that lose
you definitely learnt 


you never know whats 
gonna happen next..
may be tomorrow, 
going to be Your day...

Monday, 30 July 2012

Zero to Hero

Their is lot of difference between
Nothing becoming something..
Something becoming Better...
Nothing becoming something
needs great amount of 
hard work and passion
than the other..

Tuesday, 24 July 2012


Holding the place where 
you are always kept down
never allow you to
come up in life...
Just go ahead..
where you can expose
your own talents...
But always
remember one thing..
Believe yourself
You are the Best... and 
only one who can beat you
is only You...

Wednesday, 4 July 2012


Don't force peoples to
Respect you...
it will never happen..
just be yourself and 
continue your hard work...
Respect will come

Thursday, 14 June 2012

A selfish friend

Having a highly 
selfish and possessive
person as your close friend is
like making a 
free fall from
aircraft  without a parachute
or any other precaution..
sad thing is 
you won't know it
until you die...

Sunday, 10 June 2012

Don't think too much

Thinking too much on whatever
we do is a good thing...
but not in all the cases..
few cases we have to
let it go... and
just go for it...
just like going in a
roller coaster,
if you think too much
you'll loose the thrill...
same way in life,
we loose the experiences...

Tuesday, 22 May 2012

Tough Guy - theory 3

Cowards use to
fight fearless...
when they are sure of
winning a weak opponent,
I use to 
fight fearless
even i am sure of
losing to a toughest
Because more
than winning a fight,
I like  to win the hearts
of audience watching it...


Some People always try to kill you
to show their growth and power...
best way of survival is
either move away from them or
expand your powers than theirs
after a level they can't...
for them there are so many to kill
or keep in control,
to prove their power...

Friday, 4 May 2012

Essence of life

When you drop ice cubes
into normal water....
the ice cube dissolves into it
but the dissolved ice cube
adds its essence of coldness
into normal...
no matter the amount of coldness...
the life of human must
be like that...
no matter how much time 
a person spends in this earth..
But every human must 
try to add their
essence and make their presence

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Be different

The sky has large 
amount of darkness,
but our eyes admire only 
the moon and the stars..
because they are different....
so try be different from normal...
you'll be noticed by the world...

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

Power of Speech

your tongue is your
most powerful friend
when you know 
how to control it...
But also
its the most dangerous
enemy when you 
don't know 
how to control it...

Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Tough Guy - theory 2

I really hate killing myself for 
others every time..
i don't scream...
i don't cry....
i am silent...
it doesn't mean
i don't have any pain....

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Negative energy

Believe You are the 
Greatest strength,
no matter people around 
you being negative  and
passing negative energy at you..
try to prevent it totally...
Because whatever you
believe, you become ...

Friday, 6 April 2012


Too much trust
may put you in
so much trouble 
in few cases...
Be careful when
you start to trust
something.... .
because after sometime
your heart doesn't agrees
on what you are saying...

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Never lose hope

Life sucks 
when nothing goes in 
your way...
it doesn't mean you
fit for nothing...
just wait for some days...
your day will come...
on that day
everything goes in 
only your way...
on that day show everyone
that you'll 
 fit for everything... 
never lose your heart...
for any reason..

Tuesday, 27 March 2012


we plan lot of things                          
and execute most of them in 
our own style
but result won't be fruitful
all the time...
sometimes you feel happy
even you failed
as you tried your best,
but sometimes that result makes us
go depressed,upset,hurts...
because you might not have
done a single mistake
but its failed, due to someone's
words whom you trusted...
that moment of pain equal to death...
surviving that feel or 
getting out of it
asap will take you to 
great things....